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The Peterborough Tool Library is a project of The Endeavour Centre, a not-for-profit sustainable building school. Established in 2011, Endeavour is a skill building centre offering full-time certificate programs and hands-on workshops to help people learn ways of building that are healthier for people and the planet.


Endeavour's staff and board of directors decided to open a tool library as a way of sharing our tool collection and our physical space with the community.


The Tool Library committee is comprised up of seven dedicated community members, who came together around a shared vision of fostering creativity and self-sufficiency in our community, while contributing to a sustainable local sharing economy.  The committee wants to provide access to tools for those that cannot afford them, as many folks do not the money to invest in their own collection of tools.

In March of 2022, The Ptbo Tool Library was turned over to Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region.



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